Define Subject hours and Teacher allocations.
Build your dynamic time slots and monitor workload with EduCloud's powerful analytics.
What's the biggest problem with your resource utilization?
Managing Workload
Powerful and efficient tool to calculate workload.
Workload summary for remaining and overflow subject hours.
Manage allocated timetable efficiently.
Categorize workload into Class and Teachers.
Week workload summary to plan extra academic activities like events, seminars, visits, etc.
Workload Dashboard
Workload dashboard provides subject-wise workload summary where you can identify subjects with over allocation
and under allocation. Check overflow of allotted timetable slots with respect to actual timetable slots.
Class Workload
Powerful and efficient tool to calculate workload.
Analyze workloads for different classes.
Remaining Hours and Remaining Percentage to help you to complete your subject teaching.
Teacher Workload
Get detailed workload reports for your Teachers.
Organize, manage and remove time slots for individual subjects.
Identify the time slots where attendance has not been marked.
Weekly & All Teacher Workload Summary
Weekly Workload summary provides allocated time slots hours details. Get a list of all the time slots associated
with the selected week for each faculty.
Compare allocation with other faculty members. Check resource availability
per week. Get Teacher summary including work hours assigned and sessions conducted.
Anomaly Subject Summary
Makes Decision Making easy.
Get ambiguity data of subjects.
Find mismatch between the number of timeslots and attendance taken.